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Bucks County Man Arrested After Making Terroristic Threats Directed At Temple University, Prosecutors Say

MORRISVILLE, Pa. (CBS) -- Prosecutors in Bucks County say a violent threat directed toward Temple University has been thwarted. Twenty-nine-year-old Patrick Buhler, of Morrisville, was arraigned on Saturday after threatening Temple University and the college's police department.

Police say Buhler bought several boxes of ammunition, among other items, at the Walmart in Tullytown around 8:30 p.m. on July 31. While he was purchasing five boxes of ammo, he asked a customer about Temple University's security, its campus police and told the customer they would see him on the news soon.

According to the affidavit of probable cause, Buhler said he was buying the ammo because "he knows police wear body armor."

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Buhler bought ammo, knives and propane bottles from other Walmart locations, according to police.

Authorities say Buhler told them the conversation with Tullytown Walmart customer was a mistake and he insinuated "violent" things but didn't know what he was thinking at the time.

Buhler has been charged with terroristic threats and harassment. He's being held at the Bucks County Correctional Facility in lieu of bail set at 10% of $100,000.

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