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Cow Goes Viral As Backseat Passenger

(Tipp City, OH) MOOve over!

JD Blair captured Cory Morris this past Tuesday with a cow as his backseat passenger. Soon after, the video went viral. As of Thursday morning, the video accumulated 200K+ shares and over 8 million views.

'Annie' is a rescue cow who Morris has had since she was a day old. After being rejected at birth, Morris and his family adopted Annie. The cow is now 18-months old, 800 pounds and a backseat regular.

"I love that she's now appreciated by so many people." This video is a good news story and he jokingly stated "I thought it would make a great Chick-fil-A commercial," said Morris.

With Annie's popularity there is now a Facebook page called "Annie the Highway Cow" for those who want to document her local rides.

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