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Axe Throwing League Chopping Its Way Into Philadelphia

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) - If you like the idea of throwing axes while drinking a few beers, a new league in Philadelphia may be just what you are looking for!

Lily Cope with Urban Axe says they are the first and only indoor axe throwing league in the country:

"Some people not surprisingly are a little intimidated by the idea when they hear it, but once they come in here and try it and see how safe it is how supervised it is they think it's really fun. People love it."

Nestled between newly constructed housing developments and dilapidated buildings, an old warehouse in Kensington now plays home to Urban Axes Philadelphia.

"We looked all over Philly," says Cope, "and we felt this neighborhood had the right mix of up and coming restaurants. It was getting the right people in the local neighborhood to come because we really want to engage with the local community."

Matt Paton, also with Urban Axe, says he fell in love with the sport a few years ago when he moved to Toronto, and he wanted to bring it back to the states for others to enjoy:

"People can come with their friends, they can book a private event and experience the fun of indoor axe throwing."

Urban Axe, which is also a BYOB, is set to officially open in mid-September.

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