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New Study On Weight Loss

KYW Medical Reports Sponsored By Independence Blue Cross

By Dr. Brian McDonough, Medical Editor

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- It is called the carrot and the stick. Are people more likely to do things because they are receiving money for doing it or are they more likely to do what is necessary because there might be a penalty for not doing it.

This is particularly true with weight loss. The threat of losing money was more effective in getting overweight and obese adult employees to exercise than was promising extra pay. This information is based on work at the University of Pennsylvania and it has gained national attention.

Based on the information, several new studies are underway or being considered where people will be financially incentivized or penalized to achieve a goal. Obviously the best way to change health patterns is to get patients to buy in—and there is no doubt that communication is best—but sometimes it takes additional steps.

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