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New Study: "Breakfast No Longer The Most Important Meal Of The Day"

by Jasmine Payoute

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- Hopefully by now, many of you are still keeping up with your New Year resolutions to stay healthy, fit and lose weight. Well, a new study may have just debunked a  popular myth that could help you reach your goals.

A new study, by researchers at Queens University and The University of Bath in England, found that skipping breakfast may be the best way of helping you lose weight. This theory goes against the old notion that not eating breakfast will lead to excess weight gain.

The study used 24 obese men and women. In the experiment they either completely omitted breakfast or swapped a traditional breakfast for a breakfast rich in carbs. For lunch they were given pasta or another high calorie meal. Researchers then took blood samples throughout the day and analyzed each person's hormones.

The study concluded that ditching the "most important meal of the day" will actually help you lose weight instead of gain it. Researchers found that missing breakfast does not create an increased appetite during the afternoon.

Evidence shows there is nothing "extra" special about breakfast. And no matter which way you put it, missing out on the morning bacon, egg and cheese sandwich or high calorie cereal is probably for the best.

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