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Special Olympics Torch Makes Way Through Philadelphia

By Robin Culverwell

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) - A torch run is underway across all 50 states in advance of next month's start of the Special Olympics World Games in Los Angeles.

Today, the torch is in Philadelphia. Things began at the Art Museum steps in the hands of 21-year-old competitor John Rosati.

"Very excited, yes," he tells KYW Newsradio.

(Reporter) How does that make you feel?

"Happy and proud," says John.

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John Rosati carrying the Special Olympics torch. (Credit: Robin Culverwell)

Eunice Kennedy Shriver started Special Olympics 47 years ago as a way of promoting acceptance and inclusion for those with intellectual disabilities.

Now, more than one million athletes compete around the world every year.

"It provides that time in the community where you have your like sort of typical parent moments," says John's mother Stephanie Pratico, "so your kids are with their peers accepted just like any other kid, so they participate in sports activity, so they're so we're on the sidelines and in the stands."

Pennsylvania Special Olympics are happening now, New Jersey games begin next week and the World Games begin July 25th.

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