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Dom Giordano: Why Ted Cruz Is Trailing

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- All signs indicate that Texas Senator Ted Cruz will be a candidate for the Republican Party nomination for president of the United States. My question is how come  in the current polling Cruz has not caught on with Republican voters? How come he wows the conservative base at speeches and in tv   appearances but is trailing Bush, Paul, Walker and Rubio in many polls.

I can't attribute this position to lack of name recognition among Republican voters. Cruz is widely known and respected by conservative voters. He is a chief target of the Left and this further endears him to conservatives. He is a brilliant guy and a moving speaker.

First, I think Jeb Bush is favored by the establishment and moderate Republican voters. He has great name recognition and money. He is the opponent for the Tea Party and conservative wings of the party.

Many conservatives like a leader with executive experience and Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker has a resume of victories in Wisconsin in reining in big government. This counts a lot. Cruz has none of this.

Cruz also doesn't appeal much beyond red hot conservatives and Senator Rand Paul does. He is accepted by conservatives and is the darling of libertarian conservatives.

Finally,  Senator Marco Rubio  is accepted by conservatives and has carved out a national security niche that Cruz has not.

I welcome Senator Cruz if he enters the race but I think he faces a deep field that limits any traction for him.

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