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Stigall Show Log 8.19.14

6:00 President Obama addressed the violence in Ferguson, MO yesterday.

6:03 Chris Hayes from MSNBC had rocks thrown at him while live on television.

6:22 Hillary Clinton will be speaking at UNLV in Las Vegas for a fee of $225,000.

6:51 New Jersey Governor Chris Christie said there should not be a rush to judgement to condemn police in Ferguson.

7:01 Christie and Senator John McCain danced with Jamie Foxx at a party in the Hamptons.

Jamie Foxx
Jamie Foxx (Photo by Mike Pont/Getty Images)

7:07 Two suspects have been arrested in the beating of a Philadelphia Park Ranger on Friday.

7:20 Mary Ramirez writes for the Blaze: Reflecting on the Tragedy in Ferguson.

7:51 New York Times Reporter James Risen called President Obama the greatest threat to press freedom in a generation.

8:41 Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: How Corbett could still win.


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