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Stigall Show Log 5.7.14

6:00 Monica Lewinsky has written about her affair with Bill Clinton in Vanity Fair.

Monica Lewinsky
Monica Lewinsky (Photo by Peter Kramer/Getty Images)

6:03 Lynn Cheney thinks Hillary Clinton planted Lewinsky's piece in Vanity Fair to get the story out of her way.

6:21 Chris talks to Big Joe Bastardi about President Obama's National Climate Assessment.

6:51 Michael Nutter has raised the minimum wage in Philadelphia.

7:00 Karl Rove defended Condoleezza Rice for backing out of the commencement address at Rutgers.

Condoleezza Rice
Condoleezza Rice (Photo by David Cannon/Getty Images)

7:04 Former Rutgers football player Eric LeGrand will now also address the commencement, after what the school called a miscommunication.

7:21 Pennsylvania House Democrats walked out of a hearing about the impeachment of Kathleen Kane.

8:00 Chris talks to Tom McGrath from Philadelphia Magazine about Condoleezza Rice at Rutgers, Daryl Metcalfe's intentions on floating the idea of impeaching Kathleen Kane, and the race for the Democratic nomination for Governor in Pennsylvania.

8:20 Chris talks to State Representative Daryl Metcalfe about his resolution to impeach Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane.

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