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Looking To Add A Little Dickens To Your Christmas With A Goose?

By Hadas Kuznits

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) - Lots of folks are out grocery shopping this weekend and some will be preparing the traditional Christmas Goose.

Harry Crimi with Capuccio's Meats in the Italian Market says the Christmas goose tradition goes way back.

"A Christmas goose comes from old England, remember Charles Dickens getting the Christmas goose for the young man, yes, that was it."

Reporter: "So it's like folklore."

"Yes, folklore and it makes for a delicious dinner a great tradition but you have to be willing to order that in advance."

That's because a goose can be expensive. So says Crimi's brother Domenick, who also works at the store:

"An average goose is going to cost you close to $100, $85-$100."

Reporter: "How does that compare to like a turkey or a ham?"

"Oh, turkey and ham are much cheaper -- half the price."

Those who don't want to splurge on a goose however say there will plenty of other foods at Christmas dinner.

"Ham, roast beef, chicken. Collard greens, turnip greens, macaroni and cheese, green beans and cake!"

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