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Rise In Diabetes Could Be Linked To Global Warming

KYW's Medical Reports Sponsored By Independence Blue Cross

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- Global warming is a very hot topic. In addition to the wide variety of potential issues for the environment, there could be some direct impact on people's health.

According to an article in the British Medical Journal, growing diabetes rates may be linked to a warming climate.

In the U.S., each two-degree rise in mean annual temperature was associated with a subtle increase in diabetes incidence.

Similar patterns were reported across the globe, and worldwide this could account for about 100,000 new cases of diabetes.

The theory is that brown adipose tissue, which generates heat energy from burning fat, is activated by exposure to cold.

The results make sense from this standpoint and, according to the researchers, it is highly important to do research into the effects of environmental temperature, not only on the environment, but also on our health status.

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