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Dom Giordano Column - What Polls Don't Show

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- You've seen all the big polls in the presidential race. However, have you seen the results of the St. Huberts School for Girls' School Straw Poll? The girls voted for Trump 50%to 41% for Hillary. The school is located in Northeast Philly and the girls' parents are the type of moderate Democrats that I believe Trump will capture a fair number of in Philadelphia.

That potential coupled with his strength in the western part of the state means the race in Pennsylvania comes down to how well he does among college educated voters in the Philadelphia suburbs.

To reach these voters, Trump needs to stay out of feuds with people other than Hillary Clinton. This week the issue of Trump's taxes will be where the media goes. Trump has to avoid arguing about the big loss he claimed on his taxes stamping him as a loser in business. He should not continue to say not paying federal taxes in some years makes him smart.

Trump should say that what he did was legal and what Mrs. Clinton did with her emails was not. He then should stick on this theme no matter whatever else is said. It's fine too if he positions himself as the Washington outsider who will push massive tax reform.

Of course, the tweeting at 3 am has to stop. It looks wacky and allows Hillary to play the meme that Trump is too reckless to be president. This late night tweets are also almost always about petty feuds.

On the good news front, Saturday Night Live with Alec Baldwin impersonating Trump portrayed Trump as a blowhard but didn't try to make him a racist or bigot. The bits they did were funny and I don't think anything will stick that is damaging.

So Trump has challenges but a lot of room to pivot and underline Mrs. Clinton's world class baggage.

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