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Jay Lloyd's Getaway: Hurricane Prep

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) - As peak hurricane season approaches, KYW's Jay Lloyd considers ways to keep vacation dollars from being blown away.

Ever since Hurricane Donna separated the roof from my Virgin Island rental home, I'm more conscious of big blow losses. Washed out vacations are included.

getaway Virgin Island Beach
Virgin Island Beach (Credit: Richard Maloney)

Whether you get your money back when a hurricane visits depends on resort policies, shore rental leases and a variety of circumstances.

Insurance broker Randy Riegner points out there's a policy for that:

"So if you're spending $6,000, it might be another $400 to $500 added to your cost, but it does prevent the total loss of the money you've paid down."

getaway ocean city breakers
Ocean City Breakers (Credit: Jay Lloyd)

But Randy does point out that coverage can vary from one policy to another, so best read them carefully. Also, determine what hurricane provisions for refunds are included in your resort, cruise line, rental home and airline contracts.

By the way, once a hurricane has been named, it's too late to look for an insurance policy.


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