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Dom Show 5.26.16

9:00-Worker Unions working to stop Donald Trump.

9:25-Report showing Hillary Clinton did not comply with email policies in the State Department.

9:35-The Liberty Web's Senior Editor, Hanako Cho, joined discussing President Obama's visit to Japan.

9:50-Nancy Pelosi proud of President Obama for showing his moral power while in Japan.

10:00-Former Union head, Pat Gillespie, joined discussing the Union's attempt to stop Donald Trump.

10:35-Trump reaching the magic number; 1237.

11:00-CEO of NCPA, Colonel Allen West, joined discussing the importance of Memorial Day.

11:20-"American Sniper" Chris Kyle reportedly not as decorated for his military career as originally thought.

11:35-Acts cancel on Jimmy Kimmel for hosting Donald Trump as a guest. 

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