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Dom Show Log 4.4.16

9:00-RNC Chairman Rience Preibus saying people forget that the delegates also choose the Vice President.

9:25-Hillary Clinton saying an unborn child doesn't have Constitutional rights.

9:35-Amtrak train crashes in Chester County. 

10:00-Roger Stone joined discussing the setup of Trump supporters to protest the Convention in Cleveland.

10:10-Scottie Nell Hughes responding to SNL's skit mocking her.

10:18-Megyn Kelly speaking about death threats for her interactions with Donald Trump.

10:35-Professor Allan Zarembski from Delaware University joined discussing the Amtrak crash yesterday.

10:47-Normal things in the 1980s elementary school that would never happen today.

11:00-2nd district delegate, Aldridk Gessa, joined discussing Ted Cruz delegates.

11:10-Cutting funding to "poetry or pre Walmart majors" in PA colleges.

11:20-Princeton University voting to keep President Woodrow Wilson's name on school buildings.

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