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Hearing Loss Gradually Occurs With Age

KYW Medical Reports Sponsored By Independence Blue Cross

By Dr. Brian McDonough, Medical Editor

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- Are you embarrassed that you're having a harder time hearing? You really should not be.

We know that hearing loss that gradually occurs with age. The condition is called presbycusis and it impacts one in every three people between ages 65 to 74. It worsens as we get older. Almost half of those older than age 75 have difficulty hearing.

The hearing loss is typically due to changes in the inner ear. There are theories that a number of factors may contribute to age-related hearing problems. These factors include taking certain medications, having a common medical condition, such as high blood pressure or diabetes.  But we still are unsure of many of the specific factors that contribute.

The key is to protect your ears whenever possible and find solutions to help you hear better.

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