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Camden County Freeholders Pass Resolution To Ban Sale Of Animals From Breeding Mills

By David Spunt

CAMDEN, N.J., (CBS) -- Camden County Freeholders adopted a resolution Thursday evening that immediately bans pets stores from accepting and selling animals from breeding mills.

Freeholder Jeffrey Nash named the measure "Norman's Law," in honor of his own dog, obtained through the county animal shelter.

"We are stating that, under the county law, you cannot pass an inspection if you're selling these dogs." says Nash. "As a practical matter, we can shut you down if you do."

Camden County is one of only a few counties that have a resolution banning pet stores from selling animals from breeding mills.

"We would like to see more rescued pets get into pet stores, rather than puppy mills," said animal activist Elaine Braslow.

Several towns are already on board. If a pet store ignores the resolution, they could have to pay a fine or be shut down by the county.

Other counties have already inquired about the resolution, according to a county spokesman.

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