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3 On Your Side: Hotels Catering To Millennial Travelers

By Jim Donovan

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- The next time you stay in a hotel you may notice some big changes.  3 On Your Side Consumer Reporter Jim Donovan takes a look at how major chains and boutique brands are working to lure tech savvy travelers, especially the "millennial generation".

"Twenty Something" frequent-traveler Paige Woodburn looks for trendy places to stay when she's on the go and being connected is a requirement.  She says,  "When you stay at a hotel that's not as plugged in, you definitely feel the pain."

That's something hotels are noticing.  Tech savvy travelers Paige's age, 18 to 36, now make up about forty-three percent of guests.   According to Daniel Levine, a hotel trend expert, "If hotels were to miss out on this age group they would basically be missing out on the future of hoteling.  What they're doing is really changing the hotel experience from check in to check out."

Hotels are adding many features, including rooms where every bed has its own TV, or where in-room laptop safes and personal tablets are standard equipment.

Some Intercontinental Hotels feature interactive table tops in the lobby. At some properties, checking-in can now be done on a touch screen kiosk-or with an app.  At least one W Hotel property, smartphones will be used instead of room keys. While the Room Mate Grace Hotel in New York City is working on Wi-Fi that follows you outside when you leave.  Ehrie Foster from Grace says, "They will be logged into the Wi-Fi from the hotel and they're able to go a certain amount of miles within in the city which is really cool."

Many hotels are focusing on common areas and social spaces for guests.  One hotel offers a lobby pool and swim up bar.  Others offer work stations or areas for socializing.

Hotels geared toward millennials may be less expensive than a traditional hotel too.  The reason?  Rooms may be smaller, because hotels want people to enjoy their larger common areas.

By the way, well known chains are making changes geared toward millennial aged travelers too, including Marriott and Radisson which is opening a new line of hotels.

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