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3 On Your Side: Credit/Debit Protections Are Working

By Jim Donovan

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) - Do you use a credit card or debit card? Well we've got some good news for you. A recent study finds the odds of finding a fraudulent charge are on your account relatively slim.

A recent study by found that the percentage of credit and debit card transactions impacted by fraud are relatively small and safeguards by card issuers are fairly strong.

Still, consumers can do some simple things to protect their plastic beginning with the card they choose for certain transactions.

"We recently did a study at CardHub evaluating cards and how much fraud protection they have ranging from credit cards to debit cards and prepaid cards and we found out that credit cards offered the best protection when it comes to fraud," says C.E.O. Odysseas Papadimitriou.

That's because the four big credit card networks - Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express - have liability guarantees that protect you from losing money.

Consumers don't need to pre-register to qualify for those protections, though they need to report activity that may be suspicious.

That's why it's important to keep tabs on credit cards online, even before a monthly statement arrives.

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