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Judge Rules Milton Street Will Remain On May Primary Ballot

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) - Judge James Lynn has ruled that T. Milton Street will stay on the ballot in the Democratic primary for Philadelphia mayor.

Street, brother of former Mayor John Street, was fighting off Mayor Michael Nutter's effort to kick him off the Democratic May primary ballot.

The mayor's campaign initially challenged Street's candidacy on two fronts: whether he meets a three-year residency requirement to run for mayor and the legitimacy of signatures on his nominating petitions. But lawyers for Mayor Nutter dropped their challenge to the petitions first thing Monday.

Attorneys representing Nutter's campaign supporters argued Street was either in an out-of-state federal prison or living in Moorestown, New Jersey. Outside of the courtroom, Street held court.

Street: "I have a love interest and I go over there sometimes. What's wrong with that?

Tawa: "Currently?"

Street: "No. I'm not allowed to go over there currently. I'm required to go to 6331 Farnsworth (Philadelphia address). I wish I could go over there. (shrugs - folks laugh)"

Dean Owens, Street's lawyer, will center his argument on Street's nominating petitions, which are being challenged by the Nutter forces.

"The nominating petitions are fine. What's going on is a disingenuous motion to set aside Mr. Street, so they can avoid a fair election," Owens said.

Reported by Steve Tawa, KYW Newsradio; Ben Simmoneau, CBS 3

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