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History Does Not Need To Repeat Itself

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) - What's your family history? Outside the medical world the family history might be where you're from or great achievements of your ancestors. But in medical terms family history means the illnesses and conditions that your parents, uncles, aunts, and grandparents may have suffered from. These are things like high blood pressure, various forms of cancer, stroke, thyroid problems and virtually anything under the medical sun.

There is a reason why I'm bringing this up. This is because if it's happened in your family, it is quite likely it will happen again.

If your grandfather and father had a heart attack you have to think it might happen to you. I'm not trying to frighten you. What I'm trying to do is to put you in the position where you will make lifestyle changes that can help with that problem.

If breast cancer is in your family, it makes sense to have regular breast examinations and mammograms when necessary. It might also make sense to have genetic testing. This is some of the important information you need to use to improve your overall health.

Reported By Dr. Brian McDonough, KYW Newsradio Medical Editor

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