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Pennsylvania State Senator Mike O'Pake Dies At 70

(CBS) - A well-regarded long-time Pennsylvania state senator has passed away. Mike O'Pake of Berks County died at 70, of complications from heart-bypass surgery.

He was the longest serving member of the PA legislature, first elected to the state House in 1968, and then to the state Senate four years later.

"Oh, State Senator Mike O'Pake was an icon in Berks County," says Tom Herman, chairman of the Berks County Democratic Committee.

"He literally helped thousands of people, who will miss him dearly."

O'Pake's constituent service was considered unmatched. Many say he often was first to return a call. Just last month, Democrats re-elected O'Pake as minority whip. Herman says he often built bridges with republicans.

"You don't get things done without doing that. The senator had a knack for doing that."

Governor Rendell has ordered all US and Pennsylvania flags at the state capitol and at facilities in Berks County be flown at half-staff in O'Pake's honor.

Herman expects a special election to be arranged to pick his successor.

Reported by Steve Tawa, KYW Newsradio

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