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What Is Dispositional Mindfulness?

KYW Medical Reports Sponsored By Independence Blue Cross

By Dr. Brian McDonough, Medical Editor

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- It is called dispositional mindfulness. Dispositional mindfulness is defined as a trait that allows one to be aware of the present moment even during ordinary tasks.

There are certain people who are more aware than others and take notice of their environment and how the environment and their action affect their own health and sense of well-being.

Clearly this is an excellent skill we all should work on, but now a new report finds that people who have this skill of mindfulness be likely to have  a lower likelihood of obesity and a greater sense of control when eating.  They also have a decreased rate of diabetes.

The research was done at Brown University and the authors stressed the point that because we can develop these skill there is definitely a possibility to use the skills to have a direct impact on our health.

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