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Philly Techies Attempt To Save Hitchhiking Robot, HitchBOT

By Melony Roy 

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) --  Saddened by the demise of a beloved globetrotting robot, some Philadelphia techies are now trying to save HitchBOT.

HitchBOT's cross-country trip ended in Philadelphia after it was vandalized, but Georgia Gutherie, the executive director of "The Hactory" in West Philly, says that doesn't have to be the end to the story.

"All the people on our team are really excited to help figure out what we can do, so right now were just trying to coordinate efforts," Gutherie says.

She's hoping to get the ok from the creators to repair or replace the needed parts for hitchBOT.

"The most expensive part is a tablet or PC," Gutherie says. "So if anyone has one that they're not using that they'd like to donate, or if they'd like to make a small donation so that we could buy one to replace that would be a big help."

Guthrie says even if she doesn't get the ok from the creators to fix hitchBOT, she'd like to create another robot to send on its own journey.

If anyone would like to get involved, The Hactory is hosting a "Drop in and Do" on Thursday from 7-9 p.m.

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