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Treating Tennis Elbow

KYW's Medical Report Sponsored By Independence Blue Cross

By Dr. Brian McDonough, Medical Editor

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) - Certain medical conditions have names that are misleading. For instance, tennis elbow is not just a problem for tennis players - although it certainly occurs in tennis players. Officially, the medical name is lateral epicondylitis and the problem describes pain on the outside of the elbow.

The problem is usually a direct result of overuse and that's why it's associated with tennis players. But, you can get tennis elbow from any activity that involves a twist at the elbow.

The best treatment, at least in my opinion, is rest and ice applied to the inflamed area several times each day.

Most experts won't tell people to totally shut down. For instance, in the case of tennis elbow actually caused by tennis, it's important to cut activity by about 50%. It all comes down to pacing yourself.

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