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Cold Weather Freezes Outdoor Exercise Activities For Many

By Lynne Adkins

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) - You resolved to exercise and get fit this year, but the weather isn't cooperating.

This is the year you're going to get fit...if only the weather wouldn't get in the way, don't let it says Karin Richards, acting chair of the department of Kinesiology at the University of the Sciences.

"If we've got five or seven degree weather outside, let's look at some other alternatives. Let's go to the mall, everyone likes to window shop. Let's walk around there, take the stairs up and down."

You can stay home and do jumping jacks, lunges, push ups, sit ups and walk your own stairs. Once the weather warms up above 20, layer up with the appropriate workout clothes, a hat and gloves and head outside for a run or walk.

And remember even though it's not hot, you still need to drink plenty of water.


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