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Facebook Enables New Security Feature That Lets Friends Help With Password Recovery

By Social Media Editor Melony Roy

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) - Facebook enabled a new security feature called "Trusted Contacts" as an optional way for people to recover their passwords with the help of their closest friends.

Facebook's new account recovery feature, "trusted contacts," lets your friends help you if you're having trouble logging into your account.

Trusted Contacts allows you to select three to five FB friends from your friend list to receive the virtual key to your account.

You just need to get in touch with your trusted contacts. Each of them can get a security code for you from Facebook with instructions on how to help you.

Once you get three security codes from your "trusted contacts" you can enter them into Facebook to recover your account.

So, there's no need to worry about remembering the answer to your security question or filling out long web forms to prove who you are.

You can recover your account with a little help from your friends.

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