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Stigall Show Log 1.29.13

5:41 President Obama will address immigration today after the "Gang of Eight" in the Senate unveiled their plan yesterday.

5:58 New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez, who is under investigation for travelling to the Dominican Republic to have sex with under-age prostitutes, is now on the "Gang of Eight," the group of Senators forging a compromise on immigration reform.

6:11 Beyonce has not apologized to Senator Chuck Schumer for lip-synching the national anthem at President Obama's inauguration.

Beyonce (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)

6:40 The Boy Scouts are considering reversing a previous policy to prohibit gays from joining.

7:41 Taco Bell decided to pull an ad that critics said discouraged consumption of vegetables.

7:45 Kids are bullying others with food allergies.

7:49 Public shaming of the overweight is being considered to change behavior.

8:10 Chris talks to Author Chris DeRose about his book, Congressman Lincoln.

8:44 President Obama will include gay couples in his new immigration policy reform.

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