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The Future Of Healthcare

By Dr. Brian McDonough, Medical Editor

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) - The world of medicine is changing and it is happening fast. Don't look now but if your doctor is not already employed by a hospital, they very well may be soon.

The rules are changing in healthcare and the changes are dramatic, but how will these changes impact you?

There are several positive things. The terms 'quality' and 'core measures' are being tossed around and they are becoming increasingly important because doctors will be paid partly on the basis of how this data is measured. Not a bad idea because it encourages physicians to look at things like evidence-based medicine...what other doctors around the country are doing.  There is also a premium placed on patients being satisfied and how they rank doctors.  

It is a case where there is change and a chance for great improvement. We will know a great deal more in the coming years.

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