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Read To Others

By Dr. Marciene Mattleman

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) - After the horrendous killings in Newtown, Connecticut, my husband read me several accounts from varied newspapers. The material was horrendous but sharing the news was good as he explained automatic guns and their deadly effects.

Many of us were read to as children and remember fondly sitting close, pointing at pictures of Babar the elephant.

Research has shown a strong relationship between reading to kids and their later reading success. Whatever you read, it's the nuances of language that matter and it shouldn't be confined to the very young. Read a magazine or remember that your local library will give you a batch of books to take home.

Maybe your New Year's resolutions have to do with quitting tobacco or exercising, but resolve to share a sports article, a TV review, or an old favorite book with a youngster, a grandchild, a neighbor or resolve to volunteer at a school. It's fun and will be helping to ensure a future reader.

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