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Steroid Dangers

By Dr. Brian McDonough, Medical Editor

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) - I am getting the sense that many people are getting a more casual approach to steroids. They hear about another ballplayer caught red handed but then they hear reports that a significant number have not been caught.

In the sports media, I have heard several broadcasters comment that it is worth it if you don't get caught. It might be worth it financially if a player can get past the ethical dilemma of cheating but the bigger issue is the short and long term damage to the body.

Nothing in life is free and when it comes to steroids, there is a steep price. There are numerous side-effects of anabolic steroids: short term issues such as premature balding, problems sleeping, aching joints and shrinkage of the testicles. Long term issues include heart and liver damage.

If you're an athlete thinking about steroids, there are far more important reasons not to than the legality and the testing. These drugs can, and they will, hurt.

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