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Noisy Squirrels

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) - Standing in the backyard the other day felt like the best of summer and fall all together - hot sun, crisp air, and the leaves on the beech trees still a deep green. And it was also very noisy…with birds. Chattering, cheeping, squealing - wait, was it birds?

The longer I listened and the more I looked, I realized all that activity and noise was coming from - squirrels! Do squirrels make sounds? Turns out they do. They were running back and forth along the beech branches, heavy with nuts right now, and this feeding feast and foraging frenzy like many big family dinners I've been to, was filled with lots of loud and lively chatter.

If you've never heard squirrel conversations you can find recordings online of their chit-chat to see how it sounds. Or, better yet, go outside and hang out by an oak or beech or some other nutty tree this time of year and listen for yourself.

Here's a link to (some deer snorts) and squirrel chatter.

Reported By Phran Novelli, KYW Newsradio

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