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3 On Your Side: LIHEAP Heating Cost Help

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- It's the time of year when temperatures begin to drop and gas and electric bills begin to rise. If you think that you'll have problems paying your home heating bills this winter, help may be only an application away, a LIHEAP application. LIHEAP is the low income home energy assistance program.

Melanie McCottry of PGW says, "In Philadelphia there are 150,000 families that are eligible so we want to be make sure that they have the information, that they apply and that they get the funds."

LIHEAP awards cash grants of between $300 and $1000 based on family size, type of heating fuel and region.

According to McCottry, Pennsylvania income guidelines were actually expanded this year. She says, "So people who made a little more this year may be actually might be eligible for the program. Families of four who make about $35,000 are eligible this year."

Income guidelines vary from state to state. In order to apply for LIHEAP among other things you'll need to have your recent utility bills, copies of your pay stub and be able to provide proof of how many people live in your home. You can contact your utility company for more information or visit these links:


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