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When It Comes To Losing Weight Quality Is Just As Important As Calories

KYW's Medical Reports Sponsored By Independence Blue Cross

By Dr. Brian McDonough, Medical Editor

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- A new study from the journal The Lancet has a very interesting take on diet. We all know that the fewer the calories you take in the more weight you will lose.

But the types of food you eat are very important as well.

The scientist put people on the Mediterranean diets but gave them no calorie or fat restrictions. They compared them against a group of people eating far less healthy diets but with strict calorie restrictions.

What they found is those on a diet of vegetable fats, nuts, fish, and other common foods in the Mediterranean, along with olive oil lost more weight than the group, which was instructed to limit dietary fat.

In other words it is not all about fat—it has more to do with the quality of food you eat.

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