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[LISTEN] Women's Health

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Ah, the delights of autumn! Curling up by the fire with a good book and a mulled cider... hearty dinners surrounded by family and friends.

But the darker days, the stress of preparations and the high-calorie treats of this sedentary season can make it an unhealthy time. Attending Cardiologist Dr. Denise Zingrone is Assistant Director of the Women's Heart Center at Deborah Heart and Lung Center in Burlington County, where she sees increasing numbers of younger women - in their thirties and forties - presenting with cardiac disease. She cites "the increased incidence of obesity and diabetes... it's not uncommon to see coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, or abnormal heart rhythms in very young women.

(Credit: Deborah Heart & Lung Center)

KYW's Rasa Kaye talks with Dr. Zingrone about women's risk factors for heart disease andthe latest findings about its link to depression, along with ways to keep the holiday season heart-warming AND heart-healthy.

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