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Gay And Bisexual Boys Abusing Anabolic Steroids

By Dr. Brian McDonough, Medical Editor

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) - Despite the arguments surrounding whether pro athletes should be suspended for using anabolic steroids and other performance enhancing drugs, the larger issues of legality and damage to health rise way above what happens on the field.

In addition, there are other high-risk groups abusing anabolic steroids. The latest information has to do with gay and bisexual boys who are more likely to use them. Those who abused them were also more likely to report abusing other substances, and reported feeling depressed, suicidal, or victimized – but it's not clear if abusing these agents was the cause - or result - of depression, suicidal feelings, or feeling victimized.

One theory is that the increased use of anabolic steroids may be a result of dissatisfaction with body image, and perhaps the hopes of achieving a more muscular physique.

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