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Defaming Your Ex

By Amy E. Feldman

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) - Is it defamation if you call your ex names?

New Jersey divorcee Kelly Kentos was speaking with someone who recognized her last name and asked if she were related to a lawyer named Mark Kentos. He turns out to be her ex-husband. The person who asked happened to be his client. She let the client know in no uncertain terms that she had been related to the man she called a sociopath, psychopath, control freak, and pervert. Awkward.

When her ex found out, he called her a name: defendant, in a lawsuit he filed against her for defamation.

Defamation is the false statement of fact about a person that harms his reputation. So? Did the so-called sociopath win?


The judge rightly ruled that if everyone who has been called by these names in a relational dispute sued, the courts would not be able to function. Sometimes a lawsuit couldn't and shouldn't remedy the bad feelings in a relationship gone bad.

And, while it is true that you have a right to your opinion, you might want to keep a lid on it, even if it involves your ex.

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