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Stigall Show Log 5.9.13

6:10- Mark Thompson, Gregory Hicks, and Eric Nordstrom appear in front of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee for a hearing on Bengahzi.

6:25- Katie Fehlinger talks about the rain today.

6:45- Roy Halladay is having surgery performed on his shoulder.

7:11-Michelle Obama endorses Chris Christie and his weight loss.


7:19- Little League games in Bucks County have been canceled because of competing gun protests.

7:41-Don Wildman, host of Monumental Mysteries, a new show starting tonight at 9 PM on the Travel Channel. 

8:11- Chris examines the testimony in the Bengahzi hearing yesterday and how people are focused on the Jodi Arias trial instead.

9:10-Robert Kaiser from the Washington Post joins the show to talk about his new book, "Act of Congress: How America's Essential Institution Works, and How It Doesn't".

9:37- The 7 things that we learned from the Bengahzi hearing yesterday.

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