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Winter Garden May Bloom With Snow

By Phran Novelli

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) - If you're looking for a good excuse to be lazy about your gardening, first of all, you've come to the right place, because there aren't many gardeners who take things easier than I do. But you can also find some reward for not being too fussy about chores like fall clean up every time it snows in winter.

If you left the heads on hydrangeas, let the grasses wave in the wind, and didn't cut every perennial to the ground when it turned brown, it all becomes part of a prettier picture under the snow.

Some gardeners clean everything out by November - and it does make for a very crisp and cared-for looking garden. But to me, it's just too barren a landscape, so I put off the cleaning until spring. In addition to letting you enjoy every last bloom in the fall, being tardy to tidy up leaves lots of stuff for snow to stick to; so your garden's transformed into a winter wonderland of fluffy flowerheads, glittery grasses, and blanketed branches every time we get a snowstorm.

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