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Analysis: South Carolina Make Or Break For Those Chasing Romney

By Larry Kane

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) - In the campaign for President, the most critical four days are coming up according to KYW Special Contributor Larry Kane.

Lost in the all the attack ads and clutter in South Carolina, where the primary is set for Saturday, is a daunting figure. In Florida, Mitt Romney is up 15 points in most surveys from a week ago and he is running away with it. In South Carolina, he is still 13 points ahead of Newt Gingrich, who has lobbed millions in advertising against Romney, but so far without a bounce.

Rick Santorum, with more endorsements in South Carolina, is still waiting for his bounce but so is Rick Perry, who has a lot of backing in the state, with little movement.

So, today the big question remains: If Romney wins big in Carolina and edges toward a landslide in Florida 10 days later, will the Republican race be over?

The truth is that if he can retain the current momentum, barring a major campaign mistake or breakthrough by one of the remaining conservatives, it could be over.

With Jon Huntsman out and the others running uphill, Romney could be very tough to stop.

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