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Stigall Show Log 8.31.11

5:50 The next potential hurricane, Katia, is currently a Tropical Storm moving across the Atlantic Ocean.

6:10 Record state budget shortfalls are likely to drag down the private sector for years to come. 

7:10 A state audit has found the PLCB should abandon it's wine kiosks or drastically overhaul them.

7:40 Chris talks to Phillies Radio Play-by-Play Announcer Scott Franzke about dealing with Hurricane Irene and the series in Cincinatti.

8:10 Michele Bachmann's hair is getting heavy attention and many women are asking for a similar style.

8:40 How Michael Vick's new contract helps taxpayers.

8:15 Mitt Romney's plan to defeat Rick Perry will be to attack his views on Social Security.

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